5 Apr 2023

Monthly Recap: March 2023

March 2023 Monthly Recap

I have a very ambitious reading goal this year, so I am trying my best to stay up to date on reading, my reading challenges, and staying on track. I got into a bit of a slump in February and am trying to catch up on that but it's hard when I'm so many books behind!

I'm hoping to try and catch up over the next few months but I'm also okay with not hitting 340 books since that's a lofty goal for someone with a full-time job, a fiance, and a social life!

Tell me about your month!

Reading Statistics for March 2023

Total Books Read: 14
Pages Read: 4,721
Minutes Read: 5,129
Average Rating: 3.3 stars
Number of Books Purchased: 14
Number of Books Received for Review: 25
Number of Books Pre-ordered for Next Month: 2

Top Five Reads

Events I Attended

No events this month! But I have so many lined up for April and May:

Favourite Post

Science Fiction and Fantasy Fridays: THE FOXGLOVE KING by Hannah F. Whitten

Next Month's TBR


  1. John Gwyne's books are on my tbr! I'm intimidated by the length of them but I'll get to them eventually lol Happy reading!

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