Hello and welcome to my Sunday Street Team post for
SIGNS OF YOU by Emily France!
Today I have a Guest Post from the author about life as an author. At the bottom, you can click to see the rafflecopter to enter to win a copy of the book! But first, let's learn about the book...
Author: Emily FrancePublisher: Soho Teen
Publication Date: July 19, 2016
Since sixteen-year-old Riley Strout lost her mother two years ago, her saving grace has been her quirky little family in the grief support group she joined as a freshman. Jay, Kate, and Noah understand her pain; each lost a loved one, and they’ve stuck together in spite of their differences, united by tragedies only they understand.
When Riley thinks she spots her mother shopping in a grocery store, she fears she is suffering some sort of post-traumatic stress. Then Jay and Kate report similar experiences. Only Noah hasn’t had some kind of vision, which is perhaps why he’s become so skeptical and distant.
When Noah disappears, Riley fears she’s lost another loved one. As they frantically search for him, she, Kate, and Jay are drawn into the mystery surrounding a relic that belonged to Jay’s dead father and contains clues about the afterlife. Riley finds herself wrestling with her feelings for both Noah and Jay—which have become clear only in Noah’s absence. If Riley is to help those she loves, and herself, she must set things right with the one she’s lost.
10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author I Didn't Know Before
1. You'll be (almost) as nervous about your book launch day as you were about your wedding day.
2. As a writer, sometimes you'll feel really glamorous. (Apple iBooks picked SIGNS OF YOU as a Best Book of July!) And sometimes you really, really won't. (I've been editing the same paragraph for three days! In my sweatpants. And fuzzy socks.)
3. Even though publishing a novel is one of your greatest dreams come true, it will be scary. Really, really scary. It's tough to put your heart and soul on the page and send it out into the world.
4. Holding your published book for the first time is even cooler than you imagine it will be.
5. You CAN fall in love with your next book. This one won't be your last. There's room in your heart for more.
6. Keep writing something new even when you are swamped with promotional stuff. It's what keeps you happy and fulfilled.
7. Publishing your debut novel will connect you with an amazing group of writers. You'll forge friendships with other debuts and meet the most wonderful kindred spirits. It's such an unexpected gift.
8. Publishing a novel will renew connections with old friends, too. People you haven't gotten the chance to talk to in a long, long time will reach out and support you. It's such a beautiful thing to see how books connect people.
9. You will love working with your editor. It's the most rewarding, collaborative, and creative experience you've ever had. Don't fear the editorial process! It actually rocks.
10. People talk about how isolating writing is, but publishing a book will expand your world in countless ways. You'll meet booksellers, librarians, readers of all kinds, conference-goers, and people who are just passionate about art and books in general.
Bonus Question: How do you keep your ideas organized?
My novels require a lot of research because they usually have a historical element, and I'm really good about keeping my notes organized. I make detailed outlines and source lists and keep them all nice and neat in various folders.But as for ideas about stories or lines of dialogue or characters? I have a terrible system that can best be described as "Leave Post-It Notes Everywhere." My husband has to occasionally do a sweep and remove them from locations all over the house when they really start to pile up. I also keep an easel and stash of colored markers in my office. I often write ideas on large posters and display them while I'm working.

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I like #6 and #9 best. Great post today! I'm glad I found you.