Hello and welcome to my Sunday Street Team tour post for
ALL THE FEELS by Danika Stone!
I have a Guest Post for you from the author about surviving conventions and there is a tour wide giveaway at the bottom so keep scrolling! But first, let's learn more about the book...
Author: Danika StonePublisher: Swoon Reads
Publication Date: June 7, 2016
College freshman Liv is more than just a fangirl: The Starveil movies are her life… So, when her favorite character, Captain Matt Spartan, is killed off at the end of the last movie, Liv Just. Can’t. Deal.
Tired of sitting in her room sobbing, Liv decides to launch an online campaign to bring her beloved hero back to life. With the help of her best friend, Xander, actor and steampunk cosplayer extraordinaire, she creates #SpartanSurvived, a campaign to ignite the fandom. But as her online life succeeds beyond her wildest dreams, Liv is forced to balance that with the pressures of school, her mother’s disapproval, and her (mostly nonexistent and entirely traumatic) romantic life. A trip to DragonCon with Xander might be exactly what she needs to figure out what she really wants.

Liv's Top 10 Survival Tips for First Time Convention Goers
1. Embrace Your Inner Nerd!
Leave your inhibitions about your fandoms at the door. Conventions are a great place to share that love, so pull out that fandom tee you have hidden in your closet and squee to your heart's content. This is the time to let your shipper flag fly!2. Yes, you SHOULD Cosplay!
Stop overthinking it, and get yourself a costume. It'll help you fit in with everyone else attending the convention (See #1) And you'll be visible to "your" fandom people. (See #10) Side-benefit, the crowds will give you more room as you're walking around the floor.3. Bring the Sensible Shoes
You will walk more than you ever thought you would. You WILL get blisters. Your feet will hate you. Functional trumps adorable cute in this case.4. Hydrate!
Nothing fights con-crud (and hangovers) better than water.5. Something You Have To Go Up To Go Down
If you're in a hotel with elevators, *cough*the Marriot*cough* then you'll definitely have those moments when you simply can't fit in the elevator. The trick is to take an elevator up first, then wait for it to come down. You've essentially reserved yourself a spot in (cramped) quarters.6. Carry A Granola Bar
There's nothing worse than being distracted from fangirling by the need to eat. Carry something in your bag to tide you over.7. Pay CASH in the Vendor Room
Leave that credit card at home. Carry a set amount of money and only plan to spend that much. When that's done, your spending spree is finished. (Your future self will thank you.)8. Line up Early
You will regret missing the one panel you wanted desperately to see if you arrive and the doors are closed. Don't be disappointed! The best way to get a seat is to plan out your must-sees and be there with plenty of time to wait.9. Go See A Panel You Don't Know Anything About
There are so many fandoms out there just waiting to be explored. Between the must-see panels, go find them!10. Get Out and MEET Your Online Friends
I know it feels weird. I know you're a little scared, but this is definitely the place to connect with all those fandom peeps who've been at your side since season one. So push your inhibitions asides, and get out there. This is your time. Your con. Make the memories and sleep afterwards.
Danika Stone is an author, artist, and educator who discovered a passion for writing fiction while in the throes of her Masters thesis. A self-declared bibliophile, Danika now writes novels for both adults (The Intaglio Series and Ctrl Z) and teens (All the Feels). When not writing, Danika can be found hiking in the Rockies, planning grand adventures, and spending far too much time online. She lives with her husband, three sons, and a houseful of imaginary characters in a windy corner of Alberta, Canada.
Ms. Stone is represented by Morty Mint of Mint Literary Agency.
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I absolutely LOVE this guest post. All of the con tips are SO SO SO ACCURATE! :D