1 May 2023

Monthly Recap: April 2023

April 2023 Monthly Recap

I have a very ambitious reading goal this year, so I am trying my best to stay up to date on reading, my reading challenges, and staying on track. I got into a bit of a slump in February and am trying to catch up on that but it's hard when I'm still so many books behind!

I'm hoping to try and catch up over the next few months but I'm also okay with not hitting 340 books since that's a lofty goal for someone with a full-time job, a fiance, and a social life! I think I can probably crack at least 250 though, so I'm pretty okay with that.

I used April's designation as National Poetry Month to read some shorter collections and books, which brought me up to a total of 95 books read this year so far! That's an average of 24 books per month, which I feel good about since in February I only read one! At the end of this month, I am 18 books behind schedule, but having read almost 100 books in 4 months seems like a pretty amazing amount of books.

I also went to a LOT of events in April and have so many more ready for May! I can't wait to hang out with bookish people again and just be surrounded by those who read.

Tell me about your month!

Reading Statistics for April 2023

Total Books Read: 58
Pages Read: 7,958
Minutes Read: 17,195
Average Rating: 3.5 stars
Number of Books Purchased: 26
Number of Books Received for Review: 13
Number of Books Pre-ordered for Next Month: 2

Top Five Reads

Events I Attended

See the events I attended this month via Twitter:


Canadian Independent Bookstore Day 

Favourite Post


Next Month's TBR

1 comment:

  1. This article is a true masterpiece of storytelling that had me captivated from beginning to end. The author's writing style is elegant and evocative, painting vivid pictures in the reader's mind. The article is not only informative, but also deeply moving, with the author's personal experiences adding an emotional depth to the narrative.

    اسعار تذاكر حديقة حيوانات الرياض مواعيد الدخول
    اسعار تذاكر دخول حديقة الاسرة بالرحاب فاميلي بارك
    سعر تذاكر دخول حديقة الازهر مواعيد حديقة الازهر

    What I found particularly impressive about this article is the author's ability to weave together multiple threads into a cohesive whole. The article covers a range of topics, from history to culture to personal reflection, yet never loses focus on the central theme. Overall, this article is a testament to the power of storytelling and a must-read for anyone looking to be transported to another world.


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