17 Aug 2021

Top Ten Tuesday (19): Top 10 Favourite Places to Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. See all the posts every week by clicking on the link to read their blog!

Today's prompt for Top Ten Tuesday is "Favourite Places to Read" and I struggled with thinking of more than a few. But here's where I enjoy reading the most!
  1. My bed while I am waking up for the day or unwinding for the night.
  2. My couch while I take my lunch break.
  3. In the car while on a road trip or just getting groceries (is there really a difference in this year of COVID lol) - audiobooks for the win!
  4. My office while I'm doing some blogging or playing video games.
  5. Any outdoor space that is covered by shade, especially if it has a nice seat.
  6. While I'm working so the days go faster - audiobooks for the win!
  7. While relaxing in the bathtub, usually with a bath bomb and a nice glass of wine.
  8. Any waiting room while I have to wait for an appointment and can sneak even a few minutes in.
  9. In my kitchen at the table while I have my morning tea.
  10. Literally anywhere I can!

Where do you like to read?

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