1. Mugs
I own a lot of mugs in general, but mugs that show off my fandoms???? YES PLEASE!! I have so many mugs and I love taking them to work to have "casual" conversations about books I love. They are actual selling points! I usually buy them off of Society6, like the one in the post below!2. Prints
I love love love prints, especially the ones on Society6 (this is a recurring theme in this post). However, I really love when authors post their own art on there as well! It's official fan art! I then like to get them plaqued to hang on my walls!3. Pins
I wasn't always a fan of pins, but I have fallen in love with enamel pins, especially the ones that Icey Designs creates and sells. I have an order on its way to me with THREE pins in it and I can't wait to show them off to you! In the meantime, check them out on Instagram!
Hey! This Merch-list is amazing. I really appreciate that you have provided the places where we can buy these merchs as well. Nice job!