Hello and welcome to my blog tour stop for
POPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS by Stacy Renee Keywell!
Today I have a guest post from the author about why you will love this book! Plus, at the bottom of the post you can win a $20 Amazon gift card so make sure to read until the end. But first, let's learn more about the book...


Series: N/A
Publication Date:
A celebration of love without labels. It’s easy to be brave with you by my side!
Popular DJ Dexx finds himself positively smitten by the precociously pristine Poppy Paris. Too bad she’s already taken by an older boy, Declan Davies, a beautiful model with a thriving career, and a perfect family. By a dreamful stroke of chance, Dexx finds himself invited to spend Christmas at the Davies home by a gorgeous girl, granting him the opportunity to pursue the precious Poppy. But in his quest to win her over, he unlocks a world of imperfection and insecurity, where people are picked on for their disabilities, speech, appearance, and eccentricities. For Poppy and her friends, love trumps labels, and everyone deserves a brave friend to stand by their side. What gifts will Dexx discover this Christmas? Will he ultimately find true love, or will he discover something even greater?
You are invited to read a powerful story about living with autism, but not letting it define you, about being bullied, but carrying on with determination and grit, and about having dreams, but not giving up in the face of adversity. Come celebrate something beautiful with Poppies for Christmas.

Why You’ll Love This Book
Why are you going to love this book? You are going to love this book because you will relate to the emotional rollercoaster ride of life through this book. All of the feelings, the emotions, the love, the sadness, the triumph, and glory, you will be able to experience the parallels in your life, and identify with the characters as they navigate through young adulthood.
Why are you going to love this book? The delicious descriptions that pop out with vivid color, smell, taste, and deliciousness. The Davies love to celebrate Christmas, deck the halls, and go all out for their family and friends. Their reality is quite the fantasy that only holiday dreams are made of, and you will want to be their guest. All of the star topped, cake filled yumminess explodes through this Christmas tale.
Why are you going to love this book? Because you will be inspired to see past the exterior of these characters, and be inspired to live outside these pages and use love without labels, where bravery meets friendship, and everyone shares the courage to follow their hearts and their dreams.
Why are you going to love this book? Because in the end, it is just so gosh darn adorable! I’m pretty positive your heart will pop and fizz like a bottle of bubbly on New Year’s Eve!
Thank you so much for having me!
Stacy Keywell

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