Hello and welcome to my blog tour stop for
I have a Guest Post by the author, Lily Anderson, for you that includes Trixie's Pull List and how she determine her cosplay costumes! Last week, I reviewed the book on Queen of the Bookshelves, which I loved! So let's learn more about the book...

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: May 17, 2016
Trixie Watson has two very important goals for senior year: to finally save enough to buy the set of Doctor Who figurines at the local comic books store, and to place third in her class and knock Ben West--and his horrendous new mustache that he spent all summer growing--down to number four.
Trixie will do anything to get her name ranked over Ben's, including give up sleep and comic books--well, maybe not comic books--but definitely sleep. After all, the war of Watson v. West is as vicious as the Doctor v. Daleks and Browncoats v. Alliance combined, and it goes all the way back to the infamous monkey bars incident in the first grade. Over a decade later, it's time to declare a champion once and for all.
The war is Trixie's for the winning, until her best friend starts dating Ben's best friend and the two are unceremoniously dumped together and told to play nice. Finding common ground is odious and tooth-pullingly-painful, but Trixie and Ben's cautious truce slowly transforms into a fandom-based tentative friendship. When Trixie's best friend gets expelled for cheating and Trixie cries foul play, however, they have to choose who to believe and which side they're on--and they might not pick the same side.
Trixie's Cosplay Guide
Because Trixie attends such a rigorous and competitive school, she really only has one day a year that she can go all out and dress up in costume—the annual Messina Academy Harvest Festival. She spends months digging through Pinterest boards and convention cosplay photos for inspiration before hunting through thrift stores and fabric stores for the perfect building materials.Costumes must meet the following criteria:
- Warm enough for an autumnal Oregon evening
- Not too bulky so that no one accidentally bumping into it damages its structural integrity
- Minimal explanation as to what she is dressed as to keep from snapping at curious froshlings (a lesson learned after sophomore year when she went as Mara Jade Skywalker—before the erasure of the Star Wars expanded universe—and everyone kept asking if she was Black Widow with a lightsaber)
- No capes (because of lessons learned from The Incredibles)
- Makeup easy enough to do herself or to bribe Meg into doing for her
Trixie Watson's May 2016 Pull List (Not Including Free Comic Book Day Releases):
- A-Force (Marvel)
- All-New All-Different Avengers (Marvel)
- Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel)
- Back To The Future: Citizen Brown (IDW)
- Black Widow (Marvel)
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 (Dark Horse)
- Civil War (Marvel)
- Invincible Iron-Man (Marvel)
- International Iron-Man (Marvel)
- Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (Marvel)
- Ms. Marvel (Marvel)
- New Avengers (Marvel)
- Paper Girls (Image)
- Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
- Silk (Marvel)
- Silver Surfer (Marvel)
- Spider-Gwen (Marvel)
- Spider-Man (Marvel)
- Spider-Man 2099 (Marvel)
- Spider-Woman (Marvel)
- Spidey (Marvel)
- Star Wars (Marvel)
- Star Wars: Poe Dameron (Marvel)
- Totally Awesome Hulk (Marvel)
- The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Lily Anderson is an elementary school librarian and Melvil Dewey fangirl with an ever-growing collection of musical theater tattoos and Harry Potter ephemera. She lives in Northern California. THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN ME IS YOU is her debut novel.
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