Hello and welcome to my stop on the WORLDS OF INK AND SHADOW blog tour!
Along with the information about the book, and a wonderful giveaway, I also have a review of the book for you! Keep scrolling to see what I thought of this novel and then enter to win yourself a copy!

Source: ARC via the Publisher
Publisher: Harper Collins Canada
Publication Date: January 5, 2016
Rating: 4/5 stars
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Brontë siblings have always been inseparable. After all, nothing can bond four siblings quite like life in an isolated parsonage out on the moors. Their vivid imaginations lend them escape from their strict upbringing, actually transporting them into their created worlds: the glittering Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy Gondal. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as their characters—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go.
Gorgeously written and based on the Brontës’ juvenilia, Worlds of Ink & Shadow brings to life one of history’s most celebrated literary families.
BAM | Chapters | IndieBound | Amazon.com
I was really excited to sign up for this tour and be able to read and review this book because I love the Brontës. I don't have an intimate knowledge of their lives, but I know enough that even without the author's note at the end, I knew what was happening. Although, I would suggest reading that first if you are unsure about the lives of the Brontës because it gives you just that much more information to make some of the details fall into place throughout the novel.
I liked the characterization of the sisters and Branwell. They all felt like individuals and I could tell the difference between the different points of view and chapters even without the headings to tell me whose perspective we were falling into. I felt the most connection to Anne but I thought Emily was really well written too. I particularly liked her in the chapters she was in Verdopolis at the end. I very much enjoyed those.
I thought that the best parts of this novel were when we were in Verdopolis or when Charlotte and Branwell were discussing their world. Everything else moved a bit too slowly and didn't add much for me. The magical realism of this novel was so well developed that the actual "real" parts were dull and lifeless. I think if more of the novel had taken place in Verdopolis, I would have enjoyed it even more.
I recommend this one, especially if you are a fan of the Brontës. I think it does the whole "this is what we know to have happened" and "this could have happened" overlap very well and I quite enjoyed the magical realism aspects.

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5 winners: A black Brontë bonnet!
1 Grand Prize Winner:
A Copy of WORLDS OF INK AND SHADOW (Canadian or US edition dependent on country of winner)
A Hardcover Everyman's Library edition of JANE EYRE by Charlotte Brontë
A Hardcover Everyman's Library edition of WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Brontë
A softcover Penguin edition of THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL by Anne Brontë
A softcover Hesperus edition of THE SPELL, juvenilia of Charlotte Brontë
Toasty Almond Tea from Tealish
A cloth ornament of Charlotte Brontë's childhood hero, The Duke of Wellington, inspiration for her character, Zamorna
This book sounds right up my alley! I love the Brontes. And magical realism. This one is definitely going on my TBR!