See all the posts I've completed for #Project14Lists
2019 Queer Books | Stay Organized | Apps for Book Bloggers | TBR Layouts for BuJos | Instagram Feeds | Books I Loved | Books I Hated | Comics for Non-Comic Readers | Plot Twists | 5 Surefire Recommendations | Weekly BuJo Layouts | Series I Won't Finish | Instagram Locations | Best New Releases

I ran a whole series called "Instagram101" giving you tips, tricks, and insights into starting and maintaining your Instagram feed. As part of Project 14 Lists, I decided to step up my game and continue that series as Instagram201!
Missed the Instagram101 posts? Check them out here:
I know my Instagram could use a refresh so I found a few different layouts that I really liked and thought I would share them with everyone else! New year, new Instagram feed! This doesn't go into details about editing, filters, etc. just about the actual design and layout of your feed.
1. Minimalist
2. Black and White

3. Monotheme
The idea with this is to always feature one item in every picture you take, whether that is a specific book, item, etc.

4. White Borders

5. Vertical Lines
The idea with this is to have the same photos down the left, middle, and right to bring together a cohesive look in columns.
6. Checkerboard
Similar to Vertical Lines, this has every other photo follow the same theme.

7. Grayscale

I had missed your Instagram101 posts so I'll be checking them out soon, but I love this! I particularly love the greyscale and monotheme ideas because it's something I can actually do. Haha.