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I have started a lot of series and there are just some that I have lost interest in, don't care about anymore, and some that I just know I won't get to with all my unread books. So here are some series that I just know I have read the last book for.
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1. THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J. Maas
Where did I stop?
Why have I stopped?
This is also the death of me reading the Throne of Glass series. I read both Throne of Glass & Crown of Midnight and while I didn't hate them, I definitely wasn't super intrigued by them to continue on with Heir of Fire. I feel like Throne of Glass was pretty cliche and there wasn't much that actually happened. And in Crown of Midnight I thought it got better but it just didn't quite pique my interest. So I put off Heir of Fire.
But I see more and more people starting this series/continuing this series and LOVING it and I keep thinking "what am I missing" so I thought the novellas in here would ease me back into the world. They are only 10 chapters ish each so it really shouldn't have taken me too long.
However, I didn't even make it through the first novella. I almost didn't make it past the first page. I really cannot stand Celaena, who thinks she is the specialist of special snowflakes, and the whole situation is just absurd. I *do* like that she is (supposedly) a badass who also likes to dress up, but she isn't really a badass. She just fakes it tbh. We hear so much about how badass she is, yet we never actually see her do anything. So ???
Anyway that's just my griping. Feel free to love this but I do not.
2. THE WHEEL OF TIME by Robert Jordan
Where did I stop?
THE FIRES OF HEAVEN (Book 5 of 14.5)
Why have I stopped?
First of all, nothing has happened in the last two to three books and I just can't deal with this anymore. But also, the audiobooks are $100 and that is too expensive for me. Plus, I am sick of everyone but Perrin.
3. RED RISING by Pierce Brown
Where did I stop?
GOLDEN SON (Book 2 of 6)
Why have I stopped?
I had three issues with this one that knocked off a star each basically. My main problem that I sort of realized at the end was that Darrow's rage and anger never really had a long term direction because he would get almost side tracked on who to hate at the time and then at the end it was like "oh right I actually hate this dude" and I'm like okay sure bro whatever you say. Love Pierce Brown though *heart eyes*
4. DARK GIFTS by Vic James
Where did I stop?
GILDED CAGE (Book 1 of 3)
Why have I stopped?
Some really interesting parts to this but other things were rushed over and left me wanting more. I think part of it was due to the amount of povs. But it just didn't seem like anything new and I stopped caring.
5. THE WICKED + THE DIVINE by Kieron Gillen
Where did I stop?
Why have I stopped?
I was really disappointed with Commercial Suicide. The art was terrible throughout, especially at the end. I thought the second volume was alright but I really needed something spectacular to continue on with this series. However, this is sadly going to be the last volume I read of this story. I found a lot of it confusing -- the story didn't really flow properly or in a logical way that I could make sense of. I felt stupid trying to figure out what was happening and how things were progressing and that just isn't fun. I was such a fan of the first volume that I am very sad that I am not going to be continuing with this.
6. BEAUTIFUL IDOLS by Alyson Noel
Where did I stop?
UNRIVALED (Book 1 of 3)
Why have I stopped?
UNRIVALED was good but not great. I'm intrigued to see how it plays out but I'm also not rushing to grab the next book and honestly I'm probably not going to at all. I believe there already a couple sequels to this and I just don't care.
7. MADION WAR TRILOGY by S. Usher Evans
Where did I stop?
THE ISLAND (Book 1 of 3)
Why have I stopped?
There were some things that were done pretty well in this: the overall conflict and how the politics worked. But I thought it was kinda boring (and very similar to These Broken Stars). I also wasn't a huge fan of the bastardization of the Japanese culture for the Ravens. I also am not a fan of how the author treated me after I posted my review so why would I give any more attention or money to this series.
Where did I stop?
DOVE ARISING (Book 1 of 3)
Why have I stopped?
I don't even know where to start with this one, tbh. It seemed like it was going to be a pretty solid book. I had ~some~ issues with it at the beginning, but not enough to take away from my enjoyment of reading (or I guess, listening, since I had an audiobook). However, after her mother's trial, at like 75%, the book took a nosedive.
It was pretty obvious that there was a rebellion but considering we didn't learn about it until 75% through the novel, specifically at her mother's trial, it seemed to really come out of nowhere. And the reasoning behind it was kinda confusing. I THINK it was about the fact that wealth isn't distributed equally -- or as equally as it could be -- but they seemed to put a lot of emphasis on the fact that the Earth's history wasn't a part of THEIR history. It was weird. And just everything after that made me dislike the book more and more and more. I think I would have liked it more if we knew about the rebellion at the beginning .. or if it had more ... meaning.
Where did I stop?
Why have I stopped?
I had a really hard time getting into this one to start. It took me about 25% to be hooked, but then I was and it got better as it went along. I had two main problems with it, but I generally liked it but am not sure I want to continue on with this. I think Heilig has a good grasp on her niche genre and the characters are ones I really liked!
10. AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir
Where did I stop?
Why have I stopped?
This one was disappointing. We never got enough of one thing and there was so much that could have been expanded upon that just wasn't. And I'm not sure why. The Trials could have been so badass and instead probably consisted of 20 pages total. It felt like there was never enough of anything tbh. I don't know if I'll be continuing with the series but it was something a bit different and has lots of potential so *shrugs* maybe. I'm going to see what the negative reviews of the next novel say to see if what I dislike continues into the next novel or not.
I totally feel you on the Throne of Glass, although I still wanna read Crown of Midnight.
ReplyDeleteI haven't started any of these series' but Sabaa Tahir is on my list of books to read. That one I'm really looking forward to actually.