Hello and welcome to my blog tour post for
Today I have an except from the novel plus you can enter below to win a Kindle Oasis
& 5 finished copies of the book, courtesy of Ann and Rockstar Book Tours.
So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of
this post. But first, let's learn more about the novel!

Series: N/A
Publisher: Tor Teen
Publication Date: July 17, 2018
On a hot summer night, a screech of brakes and shattering glass changes two lives forever.
Liv wakes in the hospital, confused when they call her Morgan. She assumes it’s a case of mistaken identity, yet when the bandages come off, it’s not her face in the mirror anymore. It’s her best friend Morgan’s.
Morgan always seemed to have the perfect life, yet Liv must navigate endlessly disturbing secrets of the criminal and murderous variety—and a romance that feels like a betrayal. Torn between the boy she loved as Liv and the boy she’s grown to love as Morgan, Liv still has to survive Morgan’s last request.

Clay leans his arm along the door frame,
tilting his head slightly out the open window as if he needs the air. “You
couldn’t pay me to talk to that jackass lately.”
“You two fighting?”
“No. He’s just . . . Nathan.” He
hesitates. “I wasn’t going to tell you this . . .”
“What?” Anything that could divert me
from my precarious situation, even momentarily, seems like a welcome
“He brought a girl home last night.”
From his tone he expects this to destroy me.
And sure, there’s a twinge because
before, I thought Nathan and I had a soul-deep connection. Fact is, he’s a
little immature, a lot selfish, and I just never noticed. They say love is
blind, but I’d say that infatuation is blind, and love is tolerant. When you
really love someone, it’s not that you can’t see the flaws; you’re just willing
to forgive them.
Belatedly I realize he’s expecting a
reply. “I’m not surprised. Nathan is used to getting what he wants just like
you’re using to giving things up. Oh, I was going to ask him to drop this off,
but since you’re here . . .” I fish in my backpack for his hoodie.
Yes, I’ve been carrying it for like four
days. First I hesitated to wash it, but I didn’t want to be a sad girl who’s
still smelling her ex’s clothes a month later. Then I didn’t return it because
that felt like final acceptance, —superstitious, I know. Over is over, and
random articles of clothing don’t change anything.
“You didn’t need to bother with that.
I’ve had it forever.”
“All the more reason for you to have it
back,” I say.
“Do you need to be this cool about
everything?” he bursts out. “I know you have to be scared and hurt—”
“Yeah, I am, all those things. And yes,
I have to be this way, or I can’t function. Why are you even here anyway?” The
pain and frustration cracks my voice, and I really wish I was anywhere else.
“Because I’m worried about you.”
“Then stop. I accepted your decision,
now respect mine. It’ll be easier if I don’t have to see you.”
His jaw clenches, showing the force he’s
exerting to bite back whatever he wants to say.
Finally he just takes his hoodie but he
pauses with his hand on the door. “You know you can call me, right? Even if
we’re not together, I’d never let anyone hurt you. One call and I’m there.”
My heart feels like it’ll crack in two,
but I’m resolute; I have to be. “I already deleted your number.”

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5 winners will win a finished copy of LIKE
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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