This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie so I am going with...Top Ten Sidekick/Not Main Characters That Need Their Own Series (or for the original series to be told from their perspective)
Sometimes I feel like I'm not the main character in my own story but rather the side character, which is fine. I do not need to spotlight at all. However, there are some book characters that I don't think received enough (or the right) attention in their own stories and therefore I am telling you today which book characters need their own books! Or origin stories! Or just rewrite the book from their perspective because it would be more interesting that way! So without further ado...The Silver Trio: Neville/Luna/Ginny from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

The Golden Guard: Baldair & The Gang from Air Awakens by Elise KovaEveryone who reads this blog knows I love the Air Awakens series, specially Baldair, so OF COURSE I WANT STUFF FROM HIS POV. Like a Golden Guard miniseries maybe? Or just rewrite this series from his perspective. I can even think of the story now: "Baldair noticed Vhalla and Aldrik spending lots of time together but gave zero fucks because he was doing OTHER THINGS" Because I NEED TO KNOW what these other things are.
Cal from the Night Sky series by Suzanne & Melanie Brockmann
Prince Perfect: Nikolai Lanstov from The Grisha Series by Leigh BardugoDOES THIS SURPRISE ANYONE? I would very much like Ms. Bardugo to give me a spinoff series about Nikolai IMMEDIATELY. She could write that he is washing his socks and I would read it and be like "DAMN BOY WASH THOSE SOCKS!"
Olivia from The Light Trilogy by Lauren Bird HorowitzOlivia is spunky, fresh, and fun, so I want to know what she was getting up to when Noa was busy with her love triangle brothers. I kinda want a prequel with Olivia and Noa living it up and just generally being themselves at school.
Perrin Aybara from The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (& Brandon Sanderson at the end there)
I mostly just want this series to be rewritten without Faile ever showing up because Perrin pre-Faile is the literal best and Perrin post-Faile is not. So let's have a rewrite that is specifically from Perrin's POV and he never meets Faile. Good? Good.
Gabriel from The Half Bad Trilogy by Sally Green
Admittedly, I have only read the first book of this one. But I loved Gabriel so much that I don't care about anyone else in this series and only want to know more about him. I would like to have this story from his perspective and no one else's. Thank you.
The Non-Reckoners/Epics from The Reckoners Series by Brandon Sanderson

I just really want to know what literally every other person thinks while the Reckoners and the Epics are out doing their thing. I want to know if they obsessed over the Epics like David did or if they search out (or actively avoid) Epics and the Reckoners. I love this world and this story so I want to know EVERYTHING about it.
Vicky from This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

I feel like we got to know Vicky but only from Elise's point of view and I really want to know more about Vicky. What was her life like before? What are her goals and ambitions? WHAT WAS SHE LIKE IN HIGH SCHOOL?? All these things and more could be answered in a book and I would very much enjoy it.
Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama

Everyone loves Levi (including me) so we got a spin-off/prequel that shows how he was recruited to the Scouting Legion. But what I want to know is about Erwin's rise. He is so smart and everything he does is a calculated measure to get ahead, so I would LOVE to see his rise and learn more about his past. And really just how his brain works. That would be awesome. Yes please.
What characters from books do you want to see more of?
Do you agree with any of my choices?
Let me know in the comments below!
I love with a freebie that everyone's lists are going to be so different. I totally would love a series or book with Prince Nik or more in the Air Awakens crew, more HP is never bad and yeah Vicky was interesting and know more would be cool! Great picks! My Top Ten
ReplyDeleteI would love to read a Ginny/Luna/Neville book!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/top-ten-tuesday-41/
Oh man, I am all for Nikolai getting his own series!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT.
I agree with Ginny/Luna/Neville and would definitely read a book set around Nikolai.
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested my TTT is here: http://powisamy.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-ten-ukya-books.html
Well since I haven't read any of these-yet, I can't make an informed comment. However I do have many of these books on my TBR, interesting post!!
yessss to Nikolai from the Grisha series. Didn't Leigh say she was writing something more about him? It's been so long I can't recall. He would def be able to carry his own series and I think we'd all be 100% into it. Great list!!
ReplyDeleteYAAAAAASSSS, Nikolai! Speaking of, even though Leigh's taking a break from writing Grishaverse books for a few years, I hope she'll start working on the Nikolai books she said she'd write as soon as her break is over! ;D Awesome post!
ReplyDeleteNikolai Lanstov --- YES PLEASE!
ReplyDeleteI never thought about Olivia getting her own book but I think you're right, it would be very interesting!
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