6 Oct 2015

Top Ten Tuesday (10): Ten Book Habits I Need To Quit

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they are particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish. They'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and LOVE to see other top ten lists!
So guys this week is all about bad habits that revolve around books. I actually had a hard time coming up with 10 because I'm pretty perfect (lol) but I enlisted help and came up with quite a few that I'm sure a lot of people do.

Buying more books when I have so many sitting unread on my shelves
I don't think you guys understand my problem though. I have the actual BookOutlet here in my town (well 30 minutes away but still that's basically in my town) and I can literally go buy cheap ass books all the time. How could I NOT spend my money there all the time?

Making a TBR list for the month and then reading every book but those on my list
Surprisingly, I have done okay on this front the past couple months. I've read everything that I had to and more! Although I am a little behind on books I need to read for blog tours, but I'm working through them.

Not writing a review right away and then forgetting what I liked/disliked about a book
I try not to do this. I try to just write a review before I start reading the next book on my list. But sometimes I don't have a chance to write a review but lots of time to read (i.e. when I'm driving -- AUDIOBOOKS, FRIENDS). Therefore, I sometimes get behind on my reviews. 

Getting to the 50% point in a book and setting it down for two weeks
*sighs* I do this way too often. I'm nervous I'm going to do it for Six of Crows right now. I find myself saying "I just have to get past the 50-60% mark" because once I do that, I always finish it that day or the next. But if I stop before that? *shivers* some books will sit for a very long time before I finish it.

I read all of a series EXCEPT the last book
I did a TTT about this and I have to say I'm a serial reader of all but one book in a series. Or opposite: I'll read the first book and then not touch the others for a while. But usually only if I wasn't hugely interested in the first book.

I snatch up those free Kobo/Kindle books even if I'm not 100% interested
I have found some great gems this way, but honestly I don't need to get 1000 free books just because they are free. But does that stop me? No.

I have a hard time saying "no" to a review request
I actually did this for the first time this week. I was pretty proud of myself. But honestly, I have a hard time being like "no sorry I can't do this" because I feel guilty. But at the same time, I'm not a review machine. And I have a lot of freaking books to get through.

Preordering books I may not have bought just to get the swag
I have done this a couple times. I'm not going to say what books I did it for. But just know I have some sweet ass swag and you would be jealous but I also spent a lot of money. *shrugs*

Buying books for authors to sign at an event ... but never reading the book in advance
I have done this a couple times. And it is a little awkward but I do EVENTUALLY get to the book, so it's all good, right?

Not using a bookmark because "I can read this in one sitting" then having to use whatever is laying around to mark my place
I am literally the worst for this. I once bought a drink so I could use the straw wrapper as a bookmark because I didn't bring one. I have TONS OF BOOKMARKS but never take them anywhere with me. It's an issue. I'm working on it.

What bad bookish habits do you guys have? Do you share a lot with me?
Let me know in the comments below! Lots of love and happy reading xx


  1. I have so many series that I need to finish. It's embarrassing. I also hoard books, and I don't think I'll EVER fix that. It's a lost cause.

    My TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

  2. Ohmygoodness yes to the free kindle books. I have... *whispers quietly so no one will hear me and judge me* over 500 unread books on my kindle. It's terrible, I know! But I'll see a book and be like, "Well, there's like a 95% chance I won't ever want to read this, but it IS urban fantasy, and what if one day I decide I want to read it and regret that I didn't get it while it was free?" I have a problem. But as far as problems go, it's not a bad one to have lol.

  3. I totally relate to the first one!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/06/top-ten-tuesday-25/


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