So this week's TTT is Top Ten Characters You Didn't Relate To. I have lots of those, actually so this one isn't going to be too hard. I'm going to stick to main characters and/or point of view characters.

I wanted to like Tessa, I really did. But I had a hard time getting into her perspective and liking her. I think part of the problem was I wasn't a fan of the overall story so my view of Tessa was just ehhh.
2. Thomas from The Maze Runner Series by James DashnerGosh he frustrated me. First he would think one thing and then do another. And he made such stupid decisions. By the end of the series I was just hoping he would die tbh.
I wanted to like Celaena but I found myself just not clicking with her. I don't know if it was because I had such high expectations for her and they fell short or if it was just because I didn't "buy" into her character.
4. Any of the MCs from Those Girls by Lauren SaftThis book was not my thing. At all. But these girls were horrible to one another and I just could not deal with them being so mean to one another.
I didn't mind Nora when the series first started but then ... then things took a turn for the worst. Nora became irrational and made extremely risky and dangerous decisions that put not only herself but also every other person in the series in danger. I couldn't handle it.
6. Any of the MCs from Beauty Queens by Libba BrayI loved Beauty Queens, like I was in love with Beauty Queens. I would marry Beauty Queens as a whole. But mostly I was just "ugh" about the main characters. (Note: I do not count Taylor from Beauty Queens as an MC because she was hardly in it and had *maybe* two stand alone scenes from her POV).

I think the problem with Lena is that she isn't Ridley. Because I think I may love Ridley Duchannes more than Ridley Duchannes loves herself.

I have heard that a lot of people never liked America Singer as a MC but gosh, I couldn't stand her. I was really not a fan of the first book -- and never made it past it -- because of how bad of a MC that America was.

I love this series. I absolutely would recommend it to anyone. But Tally is a stuck up brat and a horrible MC. I think you really start to see this in Book 4 because it isn't from her POV. So we get to see Tally from the outside and see just how ugly she really is.

I wasn't a fan of the novel because I wasn't a fan of Hazel. I just couldn't find myself to care about her predicament (oh god that makes me sound like a monster). I didn't think she was written in a really relatable way but as if she was already on a pedestal that no one else would ever hope to reach.

Wendy from These Are The Moments by Jenny Bravo
I feel like I connect with the majority of characters whose POV I read, but Wendy and I just really meshed. I think it is because I have a story so similar to hers that I couldn't help but feeling those things all over again. Jenny Bravo does a wonderful job making you feel like you are Wendy and going through all these things during the novel. It was just wonderful.
I felt the same way about Hazel!! I was so glad to see someone else put her on their list. I felt like a terrible person admitting it, but I just couldn't relate to this teen who always seemed to exactly the right thing to say at any time. Huzzah for not being the only "monster" as you put it, ha!