Author: Adrienne KisnerSeries: N/A
Source: ARC via Publisher:
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Publication Date: June 5, 2018
Rating: 5/5 stars
Sixteen-year-old Brynn Harper’s life has one steadying force—Rachel Maddow. She watches her daily, and after writing to Rachel for a school project—and actually getting a response—Brynn starts drafting emails to Rachel but never sending them. It’s an outlet; Brynn tells Rachel about breaking up with Sarah, her first serious girlfriend, about her beloved brother Nick’s death, her passive mother and even worse stepfather, about how she’s stuck in remedial courses at school and is considering dropping out.
But then Brynn is confronted with a moral dilemma. She learns that one student representative will be allowed to have a voice among teachers and administrators in the selection of a new school superintendent. Sarah, along with Brynn’s arch-nemesis John, believe only honors students worthy of the selection committee seat. Brynn knows they are more interested in power and perks. Brynn feels all students deserve a voice. When she runs for the position the knives are out and her brother’s memory and her new crush Michaela are shamed. Brynn asks herself: What would Rachel Maddow do?
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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book and chose to review it. This in no way impacts my opinion.Dear Adrienne Kisner,
I am a fan of Rachel Maddow, which is why I requested it when I saw the title on Raincoast Books' mailing list form. It sounded good - and I love books written in different formats - so I was really happy when I saw it was included in my package.
But the book you wrote was better than I could have ever anticipated. DEAR RACHEL MADDOW broke my heart, rebuilt it to whole, only to break it again and leaving me realizing how amazing you are as an author, how important it is to have someone to talk to, and what it means to have someone on your side. Plus there was complex and great f/f relationships that made me really happy to read about.
I understood Brynn and her want to make change without having to be the face of it. That's how I feel sometimes too. And with the current state of politics, I'm sure a lot of people will agree with that sentiment as well. You made her character so relateable that I thought you were writing about me instead of a fictional character. [It probably helps that I had fantastic teachers that supported me, crushes on girls I shouldn't have, and an undying love for Rachel Maddow.]
I would recommend this book to everyone, especially those who are hesitant to involve themselves in discussions about politics, but I wouldn't be able to do that if you hadn't written this book Adrienne. So for that, I will always be grateful and thankful.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some of The Rachel Maddow Show to go view. I'll be watching your space for more books in the future.
Warmest Regards,
Jamie @ Books and Ladders
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