20 Sept 2024

Science Fiction and Fantasy Fridays: AN ACADEMY FOR LIARS by Alexis Henderson (Review)

Science Fiction and Fantasy Fridays introduces readers who are unfamiliar with the Adult SF/F genre to books, authors, and discussions all about the vast expanse of the world of Adult SF/F!


Author: Alexis Henderson
Series: N/A
Source: eARC via publisher
Publisher: Ace
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Representation: Black main character, Black love interest, gay side character, mental health discussions

A student will find that the hardest lessons sometimes come outside the classroom in this stunning dark academia novel from the acclaimed author of The Year of the Witching and House of Hunger.

Lennon Carter’s life is falling apart.   

Then she gets a mysterious phone call inviting her to take the entrance exam for Drayton College, a school of magic hidden in a secret pocket of Savannah. Lennon has been chosen because—like everyone else at the school—she has the innate gift of persuasion, the ability to wield her will like a weapon, using it to control others and, in rare cases, matter itself. 

After passing the test, Lennon begins to learn how to master her devastating and unsettling power. But despite persuasion’s heavy toll on her body and mind, she is wholly captivated by her studies, by Drayton’s lush, moss-draped campus, and by her brilliant classmates. But even more captivating is her charismatic adviser, Dante, who both intimidates and enthralls her.

As Lennon continues in her studies her control grows, and she starts to uncover more about the secret world she has entered into, including the disquieting history of Drayton college, and the way her mentor’s tragic and violent past intertwines with it. She is increasingly disturbed by what she learns. For it seems that the ultimate test is to embrace absolute power without succumbing to corruption . . . and it’s a test she’s terrified she is going to fail.

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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book and chose to review it. This in no way impacts my opinion.

Content WarningViolence, Murder, Blood, Animal cruelty, Adult/minor relationship, Grief, Animal death, Bullying, Cancer

This book kept me HOOKED. I loved the atmosphere and the way it was so tense throughout. I really appreciated the mixture of a semi-unreliable narrator with the mystical elements. I thought the storyline was well-developed and kept me really interested. I finished this in one sitting because I was just so enthralled. I loved that this felt fresh and new in the genre while still exemplifying the idea of dark academia.

It had a lot of tropes incorporated into it and they were really well done. I liked the way things were resolved throughout and getting the information that we needed, when we needed it. A lot of what I want to say would be a spoiler but overall I just really enjoyed it!

I would have liked a bit more explanation of how things concluded. It felt like it was a bit hand-waved to make it all work out, which left the ending feeling a bit quick. I feel like the rest of the story was well-paced, with enough information given to us that it made us think, but there were tendrels of the story that didn't feel as though they were closed before the end.

I still highly recommend this book!

Have you read this book? What was your favourite part?

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